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Pareizs laiks
30 - 1 - 2025
cuteBox V1.1 S^3 SIGNED
Saite lejupielādei būs pieejama pēc Load sekundēm... Tiešām vēlies tik ilgi gaidīt, lai lejuplādētu šo failu? Reģistrētiem lietotājiem nav jāgaida ne sekundi! Reģistrēties taču ir ātrāk!
Cloud storage (web based file hosting) has
become an increasingly popular way to backup and share documents, images
and other files. Accessing such services from your smartphone clearly
makes a lot of sense: either for mobile access to essential documents or
for easy file backup and retrieval. One of the best known of these
cloud storage services is Dropbox, but unfortunately there's no official
Symbian client version. However, help is at hand in the form of cuteBox
- a slickly implemented third party Symbian^3 client for the Dropbox