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Pareizs laiks
30 - 1 - 2025
Asphalt 6 Adrenaline S^3 SIGNED
Saite lejupielādei būs pieejama pēc Load sekundēm... Tiešām vēlies tik ilgi gaidīt, lai lejuplādētu šo failu? Reģistrētiem lietotājiem nav jāgaida ne sekundi! Reģistrēties taču ir ātrāk!
Get your adrenaline pumping for the newest edition of the Asphalt
series. Discover 42 cars & bikes from world-class manufacturers
like Ferrari or Aston Martin. Tune your vehicle & customize it
with decals before tearing up the streets of L.A., Tokyo, the Bahamas
& other beautiful locations, each rendered in HD. You ’ll be
driving against tough opponents in 11 different leagues with 55 events
plus Online/Local Multiplayer for up to 6 players.
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