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Pareizs laiks
30 - 1 - 2025
Inna - Love
Saite lejupielādei būs pieejama pēc Load sekundēm... Tiešām vēlies tik ilgi gaidīt, lai lejuplādētu šo failu? Reģistrētiem lietotājiem nav jāgaida ne sekundi! Reģistrēties taču ir ātrāk!
Now from infinity
Love is a mystery
Distance is killing me
Come back I need you now
You are the love I found
I feel above the ground
You take me round and round
Am I dreaming?
What I feel tonight about you and I.
Am I dreaming?
I can feel your love when I hold you tight.
I just wanna love you
And you're the one
I need you.
And I just wanna give all my love I have.
With my lips I'm feeling
And then I say I mean it
Cause you're the only one that I feel tonight.
Come back and set me free
Now from infinity
Love is a mystery
Distance is killing me
Come back I need you now
You are the love I found
I feel above the ground
You take me round and round.
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